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Přeskočit na hlavní obsah

Prokopova Street

Prokopovo Square was crossed by trams until 1910. From 1883 on, there was a horse-drawn tram line with a terminus in the nearby Chelčického Street. There was a depot there, featuring a spacious stable for 120 horses, to serve the operation. 90 horses took turns in drawing the trams (always in pairs), 20 horses were used as extras in the difficult climb up Prokopova Street. The horses were hitched to the carriages arriving with an interval of several minutes at the beginning of Prokopova Street. From 1901 on, tram operation used electric traction. Regular operation via Prokopova Street was terminated in 1910 in connection to the construction of other tram lines in Žižkov; the replacement of the Prokopova line by the route via Husova (from the Prokopova junction) and Poděbradova Streets was approved by the Council in October 1906. The trolley lines were disassembled during WWI just like the tram tracks a few years later.
